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Knowledge BackboneSM Implementation Process

The process starts by forming a cross-disciplinary implementation team, reporting to the CIO or CKO, with authority to work across those parts of the corporation affected, and with a budget sufficient to complete the job. The Knowledge BackboneSM provides a common language across disciplines, allowing decision analysis to be based on all available information about any specific data type or activity. This type of n-dimensional communication is the basis of real cross-discipline integration and synergy. Therefore the implementation team must include expertise from each discipline affected.

The team's first joint activity will be a Knowledge BackboneSM training course. One team member from IT will evaluate the various IDEF Modeling Software packages available, and determine which one is most compatible with the existing corporate infrastructure. Licenses will be obtained for the selected software for each team member. The team will then spend a few weeks in training courses and model building practice using IDEF-0, IDEF-1X, IDEF-2, and IDEF-3 modeling techniques.

With this background the team determines whether they are going to be a closed or an open shop. A closed shop will extend the selected W3D Knowledge BackboneSM components they select to start with, and then do all Knowledge TemplateSM modeling internally, thus keeping the results proprietary. An open shop will coordinate all Knowledge TemplateSM model changes with Walden 3-D, and the IP will remain with Walden 3-D for distribution to other clients and as regular maintenance releases. Note the economy-of-scale tied to companies reconciling their modeling efforts with those of Walden 3-D.

With the Knowledge TemplateSM in place, the team will select Knowledge ComponentSM to link together as a Knowledge MapSM. The most obvious place to start documenting is where automatic processes for embedded knowledge capture can be implemented. The next most obvious place is where capturing and having knowledge instantly available can help avoid expensive mistakes. In the oil industry, deep water drilling programs are a classic example. If automated processes are not employed, it is important to establish programs to motivate and reward documentation against the Knowledge BackboneSM.

Once a critical mass of knowledge has been cataloged, the team will train and motivate employees on how to add their experience to the corporate knowledge base, and how to query and analyze the experience of others for just-in-time learning and better decision making. The input data can be structured or unstructured and can be output to a document management system. The knowledge base is searchable using available point and click browsers. All component technology is available "off the shelf" and typically already exists in most organizations. Implementation makes the management perspective instantly available to each employee, allowing them to tie their individual work to corporate vision, strategy, value drives, and key performance indicators. It allows end-user needs to be reviewed by management. Having more knowledge available to more people creates synergy and significantly improves decision making. Implementation empowers knowledge workers, creating a shared vision, and insuring the corporate mission is achieved.

This page is at: http://www.walden3d.com/knowledge_backboneSM/implement.html

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