Day | Date | Location | NetWork Member | Technology | Activity | Reference | Description |
Friday | 23Feb01 | Houston | Roice, Riley Skeen, and Harold Burnham | Poster Paper | Brainstorming | Technology Meeting #3 | Reviewed where Dynamic is, who and what is available, needs, and logical next steps:
Friday | 23Feb01 | Houston and Brisbane | Roice and Christian Singfield | Cell Phone | Review of meeting at Meat Packing Plant | Previous call. | While riding with Riley back to the house, Roice listened to a detailed report on Christian's visit to a meat packing plant in Brisbane. They are photographing the cattle carcus moving from the killing floor to the quick freezer every 3 seconds, and are using these digital photographs to quantitatively measure the amount of fat, the amount of marbling in the meat, and using this as a basis for setting payment for the feedlot. There is considerable overlap with capturing core images, and there will be a lot of synergism between the groups. For a more complete report see next weeks report on core imaging. |
Friday | 23Feb01 | Houston, San Francisco, and Brisbane | Dave Agarwal Roger Anderson Neal Brossard Dick Coons Les Denham Alf Klaveness Bob Horner Sam LeRoy Heloise Lynn Andrea Nelson Roice Nelson Swede Nelson by phone Rocky Roden Christian Singfield by phone Riley Skeen | PC Projector 56KB Internet | NetWork Technology Meeting #2 | NetWork Technology Meeting #1 | Presentations:
Thursday | 22Feb01 | Houston and Comfort, TX | Roice and Ed Story | Telephone and Federal Express | Conversation | Ed was one of the founders of Dynamic Oil & Gas in 1991, and has since been very successful with Snyder Oil, Santa Fe Snyder, and then the Devon buyout. | Ed still has a public exploration company in London, which is where he is doing his exploration in Mongolia from. Because he is never in one place, he doesn't think he should help run Dynamic. Roice disagreed, specifically because of the web interface to the projects. Ed countered that John Snyder is very interested in technology, and might be interested in helping with the business aspects of Dynamic. Ed was leaving for a skiing trip with John on Friday, and so Roice sent a 2 inch prospectus binder, and a white binder with the images from <AMI013 to him by Federal Express so he had it by 10:00 AM Friday. |
Thursday | 22Feb01 | Houston and San Francisco | Roice and Swede Nelson | Telephone and Facsimile | Conversation | Previous discussion | Swede says the concepts behind Dyanmic are rompe cabezas (playing with his head). The problem is penetrating the business mode. He loves what Dyanamic is about. He sees Dynamic as a marketing clearing house. Other opportunities he is working on could fit under the Dynamic model. Conflict-of-interest is a major concern. Need to set up a process that when we learn there is even the appearance of a conflict-of-interest, we send a letter to the other oil company telling them about it, and requesting they sign and return the letter acknowledging there is a possible conflict-of-interest. Swede is interested in funding AMI009. Facsimiled him a copy of the financial projections for AMI013. On the business side, Dynamic needs to provide options to NetWork participants, based on the success of their project. |
Wednesday | 21Feb01 | Houston and Colorado Springs | Roice, Richard Nehring, and Sam LeRoy | Infinite GridSM, NRG Database, Contacts | Defining opportunity in Colorado, Jackson, LaVaca, and Wharton County | Lunch with Joe Watson | Started defining opportunity (see, partly as an example which can be shown to other potential investors/partners. |
Tuesday | 20Feb01 | Houston | Roice | Lecture | Rice-Los Alamos Collaboration | Tony Elam | Review of work in large scale visual interactive environments to use visualization to understand extremely large detailed scientific simulations. The approach is to break large data into domains (AOIs and AMIs), piece the data together through a processor (Dynamic Resources). It requires data separability (spatial separation is what Dynamic is initially using), mappable input (Dynamic's analog is Nehring's data, other data), and results invariance (independent of the number of pieces, i.e. Residuum and Chroma processes). Los Alamos works with structured separate topographic data (with i,j,k extents) and with unstructured indexed set of notation (as piece M of N). For each filter applied to data or simulation results they determine the portion for output:
Monday | 19Feb01 | Houston | Roice and Sam LeRoy | Telephone | Status | Lunch with Joe Watson and Alf Klaveness | Sam agreed to help put together a budget for the Colorado, Wharton, Jackson, Lavaca County AMI to take to Joe Watson this Wednesday or Thursday. |
Saturday | 17Feb01 | Camp Strake by Lake Conroe and San Francisco | Swede Nelson and Roice | Cell Phone | Conversation | Friday's meeting | Swede called and spent an hour reviewing different questions about the NetWork, the relationship of Network Principals and Associates with Founding Investors. He is very positive about the plan, and will be back with specifics to take to Investors. In addition, Swede is interested in taking a Project Management role in Dynamic. |
Friday | 16Feb01 | Houston and Dickenson | Roice and Neal Brossard | Telephone | Discussion | Residuum Master Agreement | Neal has provided some good insights on the Master Agreement. Those who have Master Agreements which have not been executed should call and talk to Roice about the changes being made for Residuum, as they will benefit everyones agreements. When we work up a Project Work Order we will have two schedules:
Friday | 16Feb01 | Houston and New York | Roice and Albert Boulanger | Telephone | Discussion | Infrastructure Discussions: | Fridays are a bad day for Albert to attend Technology Meetings. Recommends future meetings be held on Monday. Any other preferences? There are two infrastructure tools which can be put in almost immediately and at minimal cost:
Friday | 16Feb01 | Houston | Roice, Dick Coons, and Swede Nelson | Discussion | Breakfast | Phone call Saturday 10Feb01 | Reviewed the Financial side of the Dynamic Business Plan. Several things need to be better explained:
Thursday | 15Feb01 | Houston | Roice and Ken Turner | Telephone | Update on Contacts in Colorado County | 3 year study of Colorado County, TX which Walden funded in 1992-1994 | Have contacts with major land owners and thus major mineral lease owners. |
Thursday | 15Feb01 | Houston | Roice and Dave Ridyard of Continuum Resources | Telephone | Status on Continuum Software | Dynamic Lifetime agreement for access to software | Dynamic can use the theater's for presentations to clients, and Continuum will work with the NetWork to provide the best price possible on building models. Until mid-April models will be built using the old prototype software. Dynamic should have a production version of the software first quarter 2002. |
Thursday | 15Feb01 | Houston | Roice and Dave Agarwal | Telephone | Review of Matagorda Island offshore interpretation project opportunity. | 9th of February E-Mail | Told Dave there has been no one volunteering to do spec work on this project. The project needs to be completed by mid-March. Roice will follow-up with Chroma Energy to see if they have interest in spec work. |
Wednesday | 14Feb01 | Houston | Roice, Richard Nehring, and Joe Roberts for a short while | Discussions | Meeting | Last week's news | Richard was in town on other meetings and we reviewed the status of fund raising, Joe Watson's deal, and Mexican ranch lands. Richard is going to put together some tables of data for Colorado, Warton, Jackson, and Lavaca Counties. Roice will package this and other data from the NewWork into a proposal for Joe Watson to be delivered next Wednesday or Thursday. |
Wednesday | 14Feb01 | Houston | Roice, Alf Klaveness, and Joe Watson | Discussion | Lunch | Technology Meeting #1 | Joe has a pipeline which is generating a lot of cash at current prices and he is interested in investing in exploration opportunities in Warton, Colorado, and Jackson Counties. Particularly if it puts more gas in his pipeline. He expects gas to stay at $5-$6 for the next 5 years. Agreed to get back to him with a specific proposal in a week. |
Tuesday | 13Feb01 | Houston | Roice, Ivor Ellul, and Jefrey Yarus | Conversation | Lunch | Bob Ehrlich's recommendation | Reviewed Knowledge Reservoir, Inc., the role of the Knowledge BackboneSM, Dynamic's agreements and goals, and started discussions about how we can work together. They would like to do our detailed reservoir studies. Ivor does not have money to invest, other than in Knowledge Reservoir, in 2001, and they are very interested in doing some joint projects. |
Monday | 12Feb01 | Colorado Springs, Houston, and Cody, WY | Richard, Roice, Heloise, Riley Skeen | Conference Call | Follow-up on a call last Friday regarding information about getting production information about Madden Field in Wyoming for Heloise. | Dynamic Technology Meeting #1 | Richard called to remind Roice, Heloise and Roice were going to call him. Conferenced to Heloise, and Richard will get information together for Heloise on production histories in three naturally fractured gas reservoirs. Then Heloise and Roice conferenced to Riley Skeen, who is going to drive down to Lander on Friday to check out the land position. Based on the phone call, Riley is also going to drive over to Cody and check with the Wyoming state agency which has information on all of the wells which have been drilled and the amount of production from those wells. This well history information will give a better feel for whether the areas of interest have been tested, if so whether they were over pressured when drilling, etc. Riley is coming to Houston next week to participate in Dynamic's second technology meeting, on the 23rd. |
Monday | 12Feb01 | Houston; Stonington, CT; and Brisbane | Roice, Bryan Bentz, and Christian Singfield | Network Server for GB/TB image files. | Conference Call | | Reviewed IRAS website (, which I encourage everyone in the Dynamic Professional NetWork to become acquainted with. Then had a discussion with Christian about how his software allows serving of unlimited sized image files across the Internet at reasonable speed, with the ability to zoom in on images and measure distances accurately (meters on satellite images or microns on core or cuttings images). This technology for scanning cores and cuttings is available to Dynamic, and is anticipated to be a significant competitive advantage over the next few years. In addition, the image serving software will become part of the software to distribute the Infinite GridSM index information to members of the NetWork across the Internet. |
Monday | 12Feb01 | Houston | Joe Roberts and Roice | Immersive Reality | Negotiation | Previous Discussions | Joe wants to raise money for Dynamic, and he wants a commission for doing it. Came to a basic agreement, and Roice is to formalize it. Joe is in the process of helping the new President of DDD Energy purchase a 30,000 acre ranch in Mexico. Turns out that Stewart Title started guaranteeing Mexican land titles 60 days ago, which by implication says that if the constitution is changed, it will be set up so that the mineral rights will revert to the owner of the surface. Dynamic will probably be asked to provide trend maps, highlighting where the best opportunities are in Mexico to drill for trends which are located in South Texas. Richard, this looks like it could be a real nice opportunity. There are other implications, which we will discuss at the technical meeting on Friday the 23rd from 10:00 to 2:00 at II&T downtown. |
Saturday | 10Feb01 | Houston-San Francisco | Swede and Roice | Telephone and Facsimile | Dynamic Investment Opportunities | Confidentiality Agreement | Facsimiled 21 pages of support information. Agreed to meet Friday, 16 February 2001 from 8:00 until noon in Houston on Swede's way back from Houston. Dick Coons is going to attend meeting with Roice. |
Friday | 09Feb01 | Houston | Heloise and Roice | Telephone | Status Review | Previous Conversations | Trip to Italy went well. Glad to hear Riley is going to track down Lease status in Wyoming. Not sure Madagorda Island project worth doing since it doesn't fit the OORI model. Would like to get some help on field production histoires from Richard Nehring. Agreed to call on Monday. |
Friday | 09Feb01 | Houston | Sam and Roice | Telephone | Status Review | Previous Conversations | Possible contract work for Roice if funding doesn't come through soon. |
Friday | 09Feb01 | Houston and Dickinson | Neal and Roice | Telephone | Status Review | Previous Conversations | Bob and Neal visiting different companies next week. Have meeting set up with Bill Stanton of Yates on the 27th of February in Artesia. Believes the simple way to handle teams working together is to divide return into two parts:
Friday | 09Feb01 | Houston and Colorado Springs | Richard and Roice | Telephone | Status Review | Previous Conversations | Reviewed status. Richard will be in Houston next week. Will meet at Roice's at 3:00 on Wednesday afternoon for a couple of hours. Anyone with relevant interaction welcome to attend. |
Friday | 09Feb01 | Houston | Dave Agarwal and Roice | Forwarded Proposal | Technology Meeting | Forwarded Dave Agarwal's proposal that we work on Matagorda project to coalesce the Dynamic Team. | |
Friday | 09Feb01 | Houston | Marc Roulston | New Disk Drive | Replaced System Disk | Hacker | Next step in tightening up security on NetWork. |
Thursday | 08Feb01 | Houston - San Francisco | Roice and Swede Nelson | facsimile | Confidentiality Agreement | Previous Conversations | Swede signed confidentiality agreement and now has access to |
Wednesday | 07Feb01 | Houston->Richardson | Roice | MS-Word and Acrobat | Wrote Paper for OTC 2001 | Chairman for Special Session on Immersive Environments, and paper is first Paper as Dynamic Resources Corporation. | OTC-13005.pdf |
Tuesday | 06Feb01 | Houston-Salt Lake | Roice and Ed Gray | Telephone | Heloise's Prospects in Utah and Colorado | Conversation with Riley | Ed will check on the mineral ownership on Heloise's Utah and Colorado Prospects. |
Tuesday | 06Feb01 | Houston-Cody | Roice and Riley | Telephone | Indian Reservation AOI | Yesterdays e-mail | Riley will be here the week of the 19th and will participate in the meeting on the 23rd. He is preparing more detailed plans relative to the Indian Reservation AOI. He will drive down to Lander and check out the mineral ownership on Heloise's Wyoming Prospect later this week. |
Tuesday | 06Feb01 | Houston-Sydney then Houston-Melbourne | Telephone | Roice and John Risinger, 2nd call added partner Graeme Menzies | Dynamic Contract and Investment | Previous Discussions | Probably wants Roice to go to St. Louis next week, although Graeme might come to Houston to meet us if he can. The interest in the shallow water and Dick Coons work is with Santos, and that will proceed independently of them. We will learn more about this within a week. They are back on track with Christian Singfield and funding of the cuttings and core imaging. Graeme's visit to the states is tied to a Public Offering in Australia. This work will finish on April 15th and it is unlikely Dynamic will see any money in excess of a few $100,000 from them until after this. They will be using Dynamic for services, and this could start as soon as next week. In addition to services, they are interested in investment and Graeme will start the due diligence on his trip to the States next week. |
Tuesday 3:30PM | 06Feb01 | Houston | Roice and Diane Giannone, Landman | Meeting | Introductory training and overview of Landwork | Reference from Heloise Lynn | Spent two hours reviewing what Dynamic is doing, what Landmen do, and what we need to do for Heloise' three Prospects. Diane is going to be a consultant to Dynamic, and she is setting up meetings with two Landmen who can better server our immediate needs: Jeff Pyke (works joint operating agreements, overrides, farmouts, and internal Land issues) and Steve Decell (works with brokers). She signed a Confidentiality agreement relative to Heloise's three Prospects. |
Tuesday | 06Feb01 | Houston and SanFrancisco | Roice and EEX and then Swede Nelson | Telephone | Follow-up on possible funding of leases | Precous conversation last Friday | Board meeting on 22nd, will decide then if interested in outside investment on leases. Asked to call back on 23rd. Preference is to buy leases, then promote 65% at 1/3rd for 1/4th. $1-5 million per well exposure on well costs of $5-10 million. They do plan some $40 million deep wells. Swede is interested, and is available to work a deal if they have a need. |
Monday 9:03PM | 05Feb01 | Houston and Cody, WY | Riley Skeen and Roice | Discussions about Indian Reservations AOI and Dynamic Professional NetWork | Riley's comments and questions:
I have a few questions and/or comments; (1) I currently have no changes for any of your write-ups. It all looks good. (2) I am putting more thought into the budget and work involved with the Indian Res. AOI project. (3) Is it permitted for me to printout any of the write-ups in your /news and links? (4) Please send a confidentiality agreement so that I can be reviewing it. The sooner we have one of these in place, the better. (5) *Important* What do we need to do (as per what I have addressed above) in order to get the Indian Reservation financing ASAP, preferably in the 1st wave of monies you secure? (6) I noticed that the next meeting of "the Network" has been set for Friday February 23rd. Would there be any strong advantage to planning my Houston trip for that week instead of this coming week? I am pretty loose. This would also give me the time to conjure up much of the necessary ideas, backup, and preliminary work for the Indian Reservation AOI. (7) There are many questions about running the finances of this kind of operation. We can discuss them when I am in Houston. Example: Ed or Riley accesses Residiuum software or expertize, GeoQuest licenses at II&T, or SMT at EarthWorks. How is all this handled? Is it a no brainer through your various contracts, agreements and obligations? (8) I am little vague on the financial aspects of "The network" concepts. | Roice's response:
(3) Yes. For your own internal use and with those you are attempting to make Dynamic customers. (4) You can download a confidentiality agreement from as a pdf file, print and fax it back to 281.579.2141 (5) I have started to list the Indian Reservation financing in my documents summarizing Dynamic Investment Opportunities, see: Needless to say this is a very restricted and confidential document, and can not be shown around except by me and only to "Qualified and Sophisticated Investors" because of Security Exchange Laws. I have had some interest, and particularly see a possibility with planned meetings with Yates Petroleum who have fields in the San Juan surrounding Indian Reservations. (6) Your call. It will be a good meeting, and an opportunity to meet others in the NetWork. If I'm funded by then we will probably fly you back down for the meeting, and if we are not, or not to a level to justify going after the Indian Reservations AOI it would be on your nickel. There is enough happening each week, you will be able to meet NetWork Members whenever you come down. When I mentioned to Parker Gay you are interested in moving back to Salt Lake today, he got real excited. `I like Riley Skeen. I'd like to work with him. He would do me a good job.' Think that connection is definitly a winner. And I'm pretty sure I am going to be able to get Parker funding from the Australians, based on the conversations today. (7) Access to software and technology from others in the NetWork will be at their standard prices. If you come up with a deal and share some of your override with them, they will certainly give you a discount. If they are being paid by Dynamic and Dynamic says your use is part of their payment you will get a discount. Each node is an independent contractor, and none of us can make commitments for anyone else unless it is within an existing contract. Otherwise we would get in trouble with the IRS. (8) There is no formal financial NetWork ties. The ties are professional, and as people work together and bring each other work we anticipate the benefits will be recognized by the synergy occuring between NetWork nodes. This is one of the reasons we are stressing trust between members of the NetWork, and one of the reasons people join the NetWork after I personally, on behalf of Dynamic, invite them to join. | |
Monday 3:23PM | 05Feb01 | Houston and Dickenson, TX | Neal and Roice | Discussions about Residuum Master Agreement | Dynamic/Residuum Master Agreement | Neal: Just to be sure that we are in agreement I am sending this for you comment. As to the Stock Purchase, it is a cash sale however we can pay the money whenever we want. So it appears that we incur a liability but we can pay the bill at any time during the two-year term of the contract. Discussion on clients that Dynamic brings to the table and clients that we secure both inside the AOI and outside. For instance: Oklahoma. We set up an AMI over the area in which our client is interested. We contract with the client and do the project. Yates Petroleum. Wyoming project contracted and done by Residuum. 10% finder fee to Dynamic or Nehring? California. Our contract our project. Is this the essence of our discussion? Roice: I agree your words capture the essense of our discussion. In regards to the finder's fee, it would be split evenly between NRG Associates and Dynamic. I have talked to Richard and he is going to get a couple of dates for a meeting with Bill Stanton, and then whoever is most appropriate will converge on Denver. If other capabilities from the NetWork are required on Residuum projects, say in California, you can contract them through Dynamic, or if more appropriate directly with another member of the NetWork. It is important to be open on all agreements within the NetWork, so no one feels cut out. I have copied this to Richard, because he is setting up the meeting with Bill Stanton at Yates, and I would like your permission to post a summary of these e-mails at ../dynamic/news. Along those lines, Risinger called after we talked, and I have posted a summary of the conversation. I expect there will be several contracts for Residuum outside of the Gulf Coast AOI which come from this contact. Neal: If other Dynamic capabilities are called for on our projects we will contact you and proceed through Dynamic to bring them to bear on the project. Yes, by all means please post these comments to the news site in the hope that full and open discussion will ensue. | |
Monday | 05Feb01 | Houston, TX and Sydney, Australia | John Risinger | Telephone | Status Report and Plans | Meetings and discussions last week. Web pages set up for Graeme Menzies: ../dynamic/menzies_graeme/. | John confirmed plans to work with Dynamic in Illinois Basin, with Albian-Scipio, and other areas. Expressed specific interest in shallow gas opportunities discussed with Dick Coons, Parker Gay's air mag over Kentucky, and Parker's Apex Mine opportunity. He will be calling tomorrow afternoon from Melbourne with his partners and with more specifics about plans. Graeme is coming to America on Thursday, and there is a good possibility he will come to Houston to meet with members of the Dynamic Professional NetWork. |
Saturday | 03Feb01 | Houston, TX | Marc Roulston | WWW | Systems Infrastructure | UNIX system work | Shut down hacker in Europe gaining entry to through a bank in Japan and issuing "Denial of Services" attacks against various groups in Europe, particularly those tied to hacker chat rooms. Have been working on this all week. |
Saturday | 03Feb01 | New York, NY | Dr. Roger N. Anderson | MS-Word | Planning | Dynamic/Anderson Agreement | Received executed copy of Roger's Master Agreement to work with Dynamic. |
Friday | 02Feb01 | Houston, TX and Cody, WY | Roice and Riley Skeen | Telephone | Satus on Dynamic and plans | Roice's college roommate | Reviewed plans for the Indian Reservation AOI, and specifically the opportunity for expoiting the Indian Reservations in the San Juan Basin, which is surrounded by Yates production. Riley will be in Houston the week of February 14th, and would like to meet as many members of the NetWork as possible. He has budget to move to Salt Lake, and likes the idea of being able to work closely with Bob Ehrlich, Parker Gay, and Ed Gray. |
Friday | 02Feb01 | Houston, TX and San Francisco, CA | Roice | Telephone and Facsimile | Chroma Web Pages Review and funding source for EEX leases | Peter Duncan started conversation | Swede Nelson, former President of Chevron overseas for 15 years, is very interested in Dynamic's plans, funding requirements, and believes he can get US$6 million in lease funding if:
Thursday Afternoon | 01Feb01 | George Brown Convention Center Houston, TX | Roice | digital camera | Review of the NAPE Exhibits | Follow-Up on Call from John Risinger | Made a number of great contacts:
~4:00AM Thursday | 01Feb01 | Houston, TX | Roice Nelson | Notebooks | Data Transfer | Tuesday's Meeting | John Risinger left notebooks from Tuesday's meeting on Roice's front porch on his way from Houston to catch a noon flight to Australia. On the way to Dallas he called to confirm interest in using Dynamic and the Dynamic Professional NetWork in their work in the Illinois Basin and to consider investing in Dynamic. |
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