. . . Dynamic Resources Corporation Economic Process

Dynamic's goal is to provide a significant (10 to 100 times return on investment within 10 years) economic return to Participants
This will primarily be accomplished through Exploration, assuming Development, Exploitation, and Production will be the responsibility of Partners who purchase CLPs (new exploration Concepts, Leads, and drillable Prospects)
Initial Investor receives 80% of profits for five years from Investment from Dynamic's Gulf Coast AOI
(20% for $2 million start-up plus $3 million proof-of-concept drilling budget; and 60% for $100 million lease and drilling budget):
- Locating Replenishing Reserves
- H. Roice Nelson, Jr. has spent 25+ years preparing to do this, and is making a commitment of full time service for the next 10 years to insure success
- Financial success will come by following a Best Practice process
- Use Best Skills:
- Experienced and Passionate AOI Team Leaders:
- Gulf Coast AOI: Dr. Sam LeRoy
- North and South Padre Island AMI Team Leader: Dr. Dick Coons
- Houston, Trinity, Walker County AMI Team Leader: Alf Klaveness
- Open AMI Team Leader: Mike McCardle
- Rocky Mountain AOI Team Leader: Edward F. Gray, The Energy Hunters
- Naturally-Fractured Gas Reservoirs AMI: Dr. Heloise Bloxsom Lynn
- Basement Fault Prospects AMI: Parker Gay, Applied Geophysics, Inc.
- Others
- Indian Reservations AOI Team Leader: Riley C. Skeen, Mountain Eagle Exploration
- Have Regular Team Building Learning
- Time Management Training
- Principle Centerd Leadership Training
- BirkmanTM> Profiles
- Applied Potential Capacity Training