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Dynamic Resources Corporation
is an oil and gas exploration company focused on:
- areas demonstrated to have geology and fluid flow physics interacting to dynamically refill hydrocarbon reservoirs;
- integrating the best skills and technology resources as a virtual exploration company;
- selling deals developed by seasoned oilfinders who have accumulated a large inventory of Leads and Prospects;
- using proprietary management and technical tools to create synergy, reduce duplication, and speed up project completion in a distributed environment; and
- exploiting databases with advanced data mining tools to transform raw data into petroleum.

Dynamic is enhancing the proven exploration process with new and proprietary software tools and knowledge to:
- Mine Databases
- Develop New Exploration Concepts
- Purchase Leases
- Purchase Well Data
- Mine Well Data
- Purchase Seismic Data
- Pattern Finding in Seismic Data
- Sell Prospects
- Document Best Practices
- Use New Knowledge to ReMine Databases
Click Here or on the image above for a screen sized graphic describing Dynamic Resource's Exploration Process
Dynamic is the virtual oil company (see intro/index.html). As such, the main "product" is CLPs (new exploration Concepts, Leads, and drillable Prospects). As shown on the maps below, as of 02 January 2002 there are 19 Leased Prospects, 18 Unleased Prospects, 16 areas labeled Leads, 6 international CLPs, 9 Concepts, 11 sold CLPs, 2 unassigned CLPs, and 4 TMI's. Note that each CLP is treated as a separate AMI or Area-of-Mutual-Interest, and that TMI is short for Technology-of-Mutual-Interest.
Click on each image for a description page and enlargement of the map.
CLP Locations in the U.S.A., Belize, and Columbia at IG4.
Click here for 5,000x3,500 pixel image. | IG3 display of the map to the left.
Click here for 5,000x3,500 pixel image. |
Color Key for various CLPs. | Worldwide CLPs as of 02 January 2002. |
European CLPs. | Paraguay and Cabinda CLPs. |
Note that the above CLPs have been provided by members of the Dynamic Professional NetWork, and have not taken advantage of the Dynamic Prospect Machine, as described above. On 23 May 2001 Roice Nelson, Richard Nehring, Sam LeRoy, and Dick Coons agreed to work up the first of twenty-one new exploration Concepts contractually committed to be provided to Dynamic Resources by NRG Associates: Abandoned Fields Texas Shelf. Although we will not specify the 16 groups that contributed $767,000 worth of time and data to this project here, the following table highlights the results of this effort. These results were demonstrated at APPEX on 27-28 August 2001, and the results are avalable for licensce for $500,000. non-exclusive license and $1,000,000. exclusive license without the seismic data, negotiable depending on participation in upside from the study.
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Depth and Area of Fields on Texas Shelf against IG4 basemap. Click on image for expanded view. | Depth and Area of Fields on Texas Shelf against bathymetry. Click on image for expanded view. |
Identification and Classification of 146 High Potential Blocks, each of which has had production at some time, on the Texas Shelf. | One 10 BCFE Field at $2/MCFGE (thousand cubic feet of gas equivalent) is worth $20 million. For a company actively exploring on the Texas shelf, this study provides a basis for indentifying and owning 20+ fields of this size, with a value in excess of $400 million. |
32 maps defining basic infrastructure issues for the entire Texas shelf: location of blocks of interest, depth of targets, water depth, nearest analog, thickness, discovery date of analogs, etc. | For companies just entering the Texas shelf, these maps provide an instantaneous identification of which blocks meet company criter in terms of infrastructure. The Infinite GridSM approach to capturing this information makes it available to download and instantly integratable on Landmark, GeoQuest, SMT, ESRI, SpotFire, or other interpretation and GIS systems. |
33 maps defining basic earth physics for the entire Texas shelf: pressure, temperature, density, known reserves, etc. | These maps and the Dynamic approach provide a basis for reducing risk associated with migration and seal, two of the critical components for exploring on the Texas shelf. |
19 maps defining geological characteristics of the Texas Shelf: depositional systems, formations, number of sands, etc. | The Mineral Management Services data referenced to the left in the results column, when mapped in the Infinte GridSM provides very intriguing trends, which can have a significant impact on exploration when pursued. |
13 maps derived from the other 84 maps, each describing unique characteristics of the 146 blocks of interests, and leading to systematic classification and ranking of exploration opportunities on the Texas shelf. | All of the maps are extensible, in that they can be updated as new information becomes available, and new and different calcuations can be made. The Prospect Machine process is what has the real value. These calcualtion maps provide a semi-automatic ranking of opportunities in all 146 potential lease blocks. |
The study of Abandonded Fields on the Texas Shelf is important because:
- The study shows where to look for larger, yet undiscovered fields.
- The study identifies and maps the extent of 5 specific hydrocarbon compartments, allowing highgrading of where to explore on the Texas shelf.
- The study can be broken into parts, and each part sold for less than the entire study.
- it demonstrates the power of the Dynamic Prospect Machine, and the fact that the same results can be generated for any area in the Continental United States, covering a field, a county, or a basin, in the same order of time, namely less than 3 months.
Dynamic Resources Professional NetWork currently consists of a couple of hundred loosly affiliated individuals and small companies. Over the coming months each individual who is interested will map their experience against the Infinite GridSM, as illustrated below. As projects are undertaken, the loosly coupled NetWork will take on a life of its own, just as the World-Wide-Web has. The NetWork is organized as:
Exploration Teams:
Because of the depth of experience of Exploration Team Members, and thanks to access to state-of-the-art technologies from Technology Teams, Dynamic anticipate the Prospect Generation Machine will create a new way of thinking about hydrocarbon exploration. For instance, S. Parker Gay, Jr. has dozens, if not hundreds, of undrilled air-mag anomalies in his air mag library (see agi.html), each of whach are analogs to know hydrocarbon production. Each member of the NetWork is contributing to the Dynamic knowledge base of where to look for hydrocarbons.
Technology Teams:
There are currently 4 TMIs (Technologies of Mutual Interest) needing additional development available for investment. For example, $250,000, say a prepurchase from 5 companies, is being sought to build the Ward Abbott Online Analog Atlas. Dynamic's interest in this is having a library of known walkable outcrop analogs to match CLPs up with when they are presented for sale. Proposals are distributed to contacts whom Team Leaders believe will be interested, and are available upon request.
Dynamic's focus is exploration (AMIs). The technologies (TMIs) are for the purpose of supporting exploration efforts. As shown on the maps below there are currently 19 Leased Prospects, 18 Unleased Prospects, 16 areas labeled Leads, 6 international CLPs, 9 Concepts, 11 sold CLPs, 2 unassigned CLPs, and 4 TMI's. Note that each CLP is treated as a separate AMI or Area-of-Mutual-Interest, and that TMI is short for Technology-of-Mutual-Interest. Leads, consisting of 95 Open blocks offshore Texas, will be turned into an anticipated 150 drillable Prospects during 2002. Leads, consisting of another 350+ Open Blocks on the Texas-Louisiana Shelf will be worked into an anticipated 450 Prospects when partnerships to cover the relatively minor G&G expenses are formed.
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IG4 Location of projects H. Roice Nelson, Jr. worked on in North America | IG4 Location of projects Sam D. LeRoy worked on in North America |
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IG4 Location of projects Richard L. Coons worked on in North America | Location of some of the projects Eric D. Carlson worked on in North America |
If you have a CLP or TMI you would like Dynamic to sell for you:
- download, fill out, and submit a "Confidentiality and AMI Agreement"
- once it is determined there is not a spatial or technical conflict-of-interest, download, fill out, and submit a "Concept, Lead, or Prospect Submission Sheet" and
- map or model showing AOI, AMI, Prospect Extent, Strike & Dip Control, and Proposed Drilling Location
- Strike Direction Cross Section, showing Depth, any planned deviation, and perforation zones
- Dip Direction Cross-Section, showing Depth, any planned deviation, and Perforation Zones
- Analog Basins, Play Fairways, Prospects, Fields, Reservoirs, Outcrops, Models, etc.
- Make arrangements to give a technical presentation of your new exploration concept, lead, or prospect in person, or remotely using the Internet.
- Dynamic will decide if this is a viable CLP to package and sell within 5 working days of a technical review.
Dynamic Resources Corporation was publically introduced at APPEX 2001 on 27-29 August 2001 at the Adams Mark Hotel in Houston, Texas.
Click here or on the images to the right to go to a page full of images of the APPEX 2001 booth and related links. |  |

This page is at: http://www.walden3d.com/dynamic/index.html
Copyright © 2001, 2002 Dynamic Resources Corporation
All rights reserved. Published in The United States of America
This page, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the publisher.
For further information contact:
Dynamic Resources Corporation, P.O. Box 382, Barker, TX 77413-0382
- 281.579.0172 - facsimile: 281.579.2141 - cell: 713.542.2207 -
- URL: http://www.walden3d.com * e-mail: dynamic@walden3d.com -
A Walden 3-D, Inc. incubated company
Locating Replenishing Reserves